Be Expansive

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An Evening with Tikashi

Discover the ways you consciously and unconsciously limit who you are being and gain valuable tools and insights to permanently peel away the layers to reveal and be your whole and powerful self.

You will expand you experience of being able to feel and know your whole-self and practice how to bring this expansiveness into your everyday life. You will leave the evening with a stronger connection to your whole-self and strategies to consistently live this every day.

This Tikashi Evening event offers you a space to make very real and positive changes.

This is a past event


Please note:

Venue: Once your booking has been confirmed, you will receive an email confirmation with the full venue address and any other specific information you may need.

All tickets must be booked and paid for in advance to ensure we have enough seating. There is limited seating due to the venue and booking will not be available when we have reached capacity.

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