You are Spirit first, Body second


You are spirit first, body second.

You are a soul expressing in a body.

You are a spirit having an experience in a human body.

Whichever way you phrase it, the essence is that you have the opportunity to remember who you truly are, to know and feel the expansiveness of your soul and it is so much more than the physical body you are using in this lifetime.

Many of us forget this, so we are here to remind you. And you can access tools to support you to reconnect and embrace the wholeness of who you truly are.

On many occasions Tikashi has said “You are a spiritual being expressing in a body”. It is said to remind us to expand our awareness, to reconnect with the entirety of our spiritual self – our whole-self and expand our awareness from the physical to the energetic.

When you reconnect with the unconditional love and the oneness of the universe, you open the channels to bring lightness into all your experiences and to connect with the love that you are. You embody the essence of love.

When you connect with your whole-self, (the you that is so much greater than your physical body) you open yourself to the gifts of awareness and connection with all things.

Part of the human experience is that of separation. This comes from your thoughts and limitations. If you were never told as a child that you are more than your body, and social consciousness beliefs are that you are only what you can physically see and feel, then how are you to know otherwise?

So all you need to do is remember! To remember that you are more, that you are greater than the physicalness you can see and feel. You do not need to keep believing you are separate. You can change this at any moment.

Oneness & Your Possibilities

Master Your Life album - Oneness & Your PossibilitiesTikashi speaks in great depth about our whole-self, our true energy and life-force consciousness, and takes you through a simple exercise in connecting and utilising the energy of words/thoughts to reconnect with our spirit first. The album and e-book, Oneness & Your Possibilities, are available in our online store. Check it out and even have a listen to a short excerpt before you purchase and download.